Visiting Tibet should be in everybody’s to-do list. You need to see this place at least once in a lifetime. But, if you are not sure about the best time to go there, you should know more about the weather conditions.
January – February – March
This period is cold, but also sunny and dry. Tibet faces freezing cold temperatures and is often snowy in the first three months of the year. As a result, going beyond the cities becomes quite a challenge. However, everything is quite cheap in winter, and given the weather, you will mostly have the sites to yourself.
The snow starts to melt as temperatures begin to rise, making more areas accessible. Since this season is dry, you can enjoy the enchanting views of mountains and the clear skies. Travel outside Lhasa to find breathtaking landscapes filled with frozen lakes and snowy mountains.
By May, the weather turns sunny and warm. This provides visitors with amazing views. It can get a little crowded, and prices also rise as tourists start to arrive in order to relish the climate.
June – July – August
Rainy season starts from the middle of June, and it is usually cloudier than the previous months. It offers favourable conditions for pleasant walks in the mountains. During July and August, Tibet experiences mostly of night short rain and is mostly covered in clouds. This is also when the mountains are prolific, and the alpine flowers bloom, complimented by pleasant and mild temperatures.

Although the temperatures stay warm, there is usually no more rain and the autumn foliage is vibrant. This makes September a favourable time for visiting Tibet.
The days are sunny and long, making it one of the most popular months to see Tibet. Temperatures during the day stay between 15 – 20°C, but you will feel warm.
November – December
Tibet is typically sunny, dry and very cold during this period. There are not too many visitors, and the prices lessen accordingly.
If you have made your mind or need help in choosing the best time to visit Tibet, consult Tibet Highland Tours. We will assist you according to your level of comfort.