Once Guge was a thriving kingdom, but now, it is left with its ruins and stories. With more than four-hundred rooms discovered till date, the kingdom encircles a mountain, making it a must-visit place in your bucket list.
Where should you go
To visit Tibet’s most mysterious ruins, you need to go to the Grand Palace. Situated on the banks of river Xiangquang, it rises to three-hundred meter, with fifty-eight pillboxes, twenty-eight Buddhist pagodas, eight hundred and seventy-nine caves, and surprisingly, four hidden tunnels. As you make a tour of the rooms, you will find yourself reaching the top of the mountains. The rooms look haphazard as they are placed on top of one another. While checking the ruins, you will come across beautiful relics and artifacts which are still preserved. You will also find arrows, shields, farmer’s instrument and clothing, giving you a closer look at the people who used to dwell three centuries back.
What should you see
One of the stunning features of the Guge Kingdom is the Frescoes, which are murals painted on the walls. The murals reflect the culture, art and philosophy of the people. Buddhist philosophy and religion influence these incredible frescoes. Among the wall paintings, you will come across Buddhist statue like, Tara Buddhas or the Yamantaka. Do not forget to see the Mandala Chapel. Apart from these paintings, the twenty-eight stupas are also worth visiting. The stupas are Buddhist monuments which are shaped like pagodas. They stand tall, displaying not only the patterns but also the belief of the locals.

When to visit
Summer and Autumn are the perfect time to come to the Guge Kingdom.
When should you click pictures
To click excellent pictures of this Kingdom, night time is great. With mountains in the background and stars in the sky, your pictures will be incredible. Remember the nights are chilly, hence, wrap up fast. You may face difficulty to find accommodation. Either book a nearby hotel or carry a tent as the closest place to accommodate is Zhada. Want to visit the Guge Kingdom? Do not hesitate to contact us to book your tour. We along with our experts will provide you with the best package at a cheap price.