You might be very excited to go to Tibet and explore its magical beauty in its glory, but have you spared a thought about what happens after you reach such an altitude from the plainland? Your body is not accustomed to breath in such thin air, and as a result, you get high altitude sickness. The best way is to stop at Lhasa for some time and get acclimatized. There are certain rules that you need to follow when you are visiting a hill station, that too so much above the sea level. You might not realize, but even the littlest of the inconvenience might be due to the sudden change in air pressure and in altitude. Even if you have gone to Tibet for hiking, take enough rest and climb very slowly. Since there is a low level of oxygen in the air, your body increases the breathing rate.
Short-term altitude sickness
When you land at Lhasa or at any of the surrounding areas, you might experience mild discomfort of fatigue, dizziness, loss of appetite, shortness of breath or sleep problems during the first twelve to fourteen hours. However, these will go away within a couple of days as your body will get accustomed to the lower air pressure and oxygen content.
Moderate altitude sickness
More intensified than the common ones most of the people experience after landing in Tibet, it requires medication. Fatigue and shortness of breath worsen over time, and it will happen if you start hiking right after reaching Tibet. The situation is quite severe as you can have difficulty walking or have a loss of coordination. For nausea or severe headache, immediately take medicines or ask someone to give you artificial oxygen.

Severe altitude sickness
From an inability to walk to an accumulation of fluid in the brain or lungs, severe altitude sickness can get risky beyond imagination. Get emergency medical help if you notice any tinge of bluish pale skin tone. You need to get down to a lower altitude immediately, otherwise, the high altitude sickness might even cost you your life.
Your trip to Tibet should not be ruined by high altitude sickness. You can expect a safe tour experience with us.