A vacation gets ruined if the hotels or the guesthouses are not comfortable or do not have adequate amenities. Not that you want five-star hotels all the time, but at least the hotels should provide you with clean bare necessities. Before planning to visit Tibet, know that there are no luxurious hotels there. But the ones that you can avail are properly maintained and clean rooms. The hotels and guesthouses in Tibet have recently improved a lot owing to the efficiency of the tourism sector in Tibet. Though star-rated hotels are available in the main cities, you will not find grand resorts in the smaller and the interior parts of the place.
Hotels in Shigatse, Lhasa, Lyingchi and Tsedang are up to the mark. You will find luxurious amenities in the guesthouses of these places as the main city makes it possible for the hotel staff to buy the necessary things. But this is not possible when you go exploring high up the mountains. The small villages can definitely fill up your soul with lots of interesting stories about the culture of Tibet, but there will no instant coffee makers or immersion rods in your room! But the guesthouses are pretty decent with a clean bed and clean washroom. You can also book for dormitories which will be cheaper and can accommodate a large number of people at once.
Things to Keep In Mind before Booking a Hotel
If you want to go for star-rated hotels in and Lhasa, be ready to spend some cash as the rates are a bit high during the peak season. Hotels and guesthouses in Tibet are not high storied because the higher the room, the thinner the air becomes. While staying at Lhasa, buy your own set of toiletries and sleeping bag for the journey onwards. You will not find any supply of amenities in the remote areas. There are also a few garden style hotels in Lhasa that overlooks the Jokhang Temple and the Lhasa River. These guesthouses have their own in-house restaurants and conference rooms.
If you take your Tibet’s trip with us, we will ensure you to give you the best available hotels or other kinds of accommodation in each of the places.