The essence of mythic finds a new meaning in the language of the Tibetan people. You might think that the Tibetan language is spoken by the locals of Tibet, but you could not be more wrong. This language finds a place in the culture of around five million people worldwide. Considered as the language of ‘dharma’, it is used to preach Buddhist teachings and has a tongue-tying pronunciation.
Included Alphabets
The language has thirty alphabets which are arranged in a rational manner. The rows are formed on the basis of the sound’s articulation and the columns on the basis of the sound’s acoustics. The script’s origin is from India. In fact, many of the alphabets bear a resemblance to the alphabets of Sanskrit as it is said that many initial Tibetan texts were translated from Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures.
Different Use of Words for Showing Respect
Some specific verbs and nouns have versions of words that sound polite which are termed as ‘honorifics’. It completely depends on the person you are addressing. If he is a respectable person, you might have to modify some words to show respect. Though it depends on the user, it is a rule to speak to an elder or religious leader by using honorific words.
Stacked Letters for Building Words
The alphabets of the Tibetan language do not have a one on one connection. One alphabet can be used as the root and then the second alphabet can be added anywhere, be it on the top of the root or under the root or before or after the root. The alphabet will change to better in order to fit the shape of the word, but however, it depends on the position of the word.
No Separate Letters for Vowel Sounds
The unique thing about this language is that by default, every alphabet is followed by the vowel ‘a’. If you want to change the vowel sound, you have to make use of a diacritic sign. The vowels ‘e’, ‘o’ and ‘i’ are placed above the root whereas the vowel ‘u’ is placed below the alphabet.

Our language experts will help you to know about this beautiful language so that you do not face any problem when you take a tour with us.