Tibet is the highest plateau on earth and is called the roof of the world. This cold high land comes under the administration of the communist china but this secluded region still has the pious relic of the ancient culture. Mount Kailash is one of the many sacred places of this remote land. Kailash is mountain peak and the most sacred place in Tibet. Billions of followers of many religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism etc consider it auspicious and make sacred pilgrimage to the holy Mountain Kailash every year in large numbers.

The legendry Mount Kailash is remote area and covered by snow on the most of the time of the year.  The famous socialist Karl marks once said that religion is opium of masses, he might be right in some other ways. But while you visit to the gorgeous Mount Kailash you feel blithesome, gladsome and joyful without opium just by seeing the scenic beauty of the snow covered mountains.

Experience the blend of cultures at Kailash-

The Mount Kailash has description in the ancient sculptures and is called “MERU” in ancient Hindu holy texts. It is considered the place of Hindu god “Shiva” and his Ganas. Mount Kailas is considered in the old Buddhist texts as the pivotal of the earth. This Legendry Mountain is reason of the Mansarovar Lake and which is the origin place of many rivers. River Brahmaputra, Indus, and tributaries of Ganga and river Sutlej which are the most important rivers of Asia are originated from here. Due to excessive cold and snow, this mountain as earned the nick name “Precious jewel of snow” which better suits its reputation.

Start you trekking from Lhasa and end it at Mount Kailash-

You can reach this auspicious land via Lhasa the capital of Tibet. Excursions of this mesmerizing land by trekking will bring you really close to the mountainous cult. When you start trekking from the Lhasa you will go through the villages, can get acquaintance with the local villagers, and you will reach to the Mount Kailash visiting the Buddhist monasteries. Tibetans of remote areas are innocent and very much hospitable. They still believe in old Buddhist stories in which monks could fly and could talk to the animals. You can witness the custom of the endogenous people here. Your soul will find the redemption here in the indigenes cult. You can contact with the travelling agency and can book them.  You will travel in group and can visit the highest Buddhist monastery Rogbhu monestry on your expedition to the holy Kailash.

Is it worthful to travel Mount Kailash?

Listen to yourself my friend, are you only planning to work hard in your office and die one day? There are many beautiful things out of your office. Stop considering business tours as sightseeing. Have mercy on yourself and get free from the cage of workholism. Anything that costs you your peace is very expensive. Is it not like that? Know how fantastic it feels to be on the amazing land of Tibet.

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